Saturday, May 15, 2021

When will it be safe to not wear a mask?

I see and hear this question regularly, and frequently have people call me a murderer because I won't wear a face mask most of the time. I make exceptions, using the faculties God gave me (you know, a functioning brain). I'm not trying to "catch a case" (or COVID) so I do what I feel is appropriate. 

It is safe not to wear a mask in Michigan. It always has been. I'm looking at the science.

Coronaviruses have been around for a long time. I studied one in Microbiology class (pre-2020, you know, when you could actually go to class and see and touch things). This one is "novel" (it seriously means new, but it's in the same category, so it will behave similarly). 

Some facts about coronaviruses:

They like cold best, 34°F is their ideal temperature. Michigan is cold for most of the year.

Heat and humidity slow the spread of coronavirus. When Michigan gets hot, there is a lot of humidity. 

Coronaviruses are spread through droplets in the air? Or is it airborne? Why can't it be both, like influenza? There is evidence that it is both, but according to the CDC, there is more evidence that it is mostly airborne, as I have been saying for over a year.

Do masks help? If the virus is spread by droplets, masks help YOU not spread droplets. They do not keep the virus droplets away from you. If the virus is airborne, no, they do not help. They could actually help you contract the virus. If you look on the side of the packages of the masks, they actually claim NOT TO protect against coronaviruses. 

So... what about the vaccine?

New rules state that you don't have to wear a mask if you have been vaccinated.

BUT ... WHAT? ... HOLD UP!

The vaccine companies say the vaccine is safe to give to teens and adults (age 12 and up). 

BUT ... HOLD ON ... DID?


Yup, you read that right. Anyone who gets the vaccine before it is approved by the FDA is a human test subject. And not only are people going out and getting it, they're "encouraging" (read: bribing, coercing, manipulating) other people to get it.

Also, "there are no plans to require" a vaccination "passport" or a card to show you're vaccinated. If you're not vaccinated, you have to wear a mask, but if you're vaccinated, you don't. How is this supposed to be enforced?

A vaccinated person said to me today "I'm going to keep wearing my mask because *now* the unvaccinated people won't be wearing them."


Haven't we already established that the masks protect people from the wearer, and do not protect the wearer themselves?

I swear I've seen that somewhere....

SO ... If you do not currently have COVID-19, you can't give it to anyone, whether you are wearing a mask or not, right?

AND... If you currently have COVID-19, you can protect others by wearing a mask, right?


The vaccine doesn't prevent you from contracting the virus. They don't know if it can keep you from spreading it. They don't know if it lowers the risk of death from it. And they don't know any long-term effects, because this is the first vaccine of this type.

Having natural antibodies can last at least several months. (Again, this is new, so we don't have all the necessary information.) So, if you have had COVID-19  and your body created antibodies to fight it, and your body defeated the nasty virus, then you're almost completely guaranteed to not get it again (until antibodies are gone from your system).

BUT you should get the vaccine, even if you've already had the virus, because???

AND you still have to wear a mask, even if you've already had the virus, because???


DON'T wear the mask if you have already had the virus. 

DON'T get the vaccine if you've already had the virus.

DON'T get the vaccine if you TRULY trust the science.

DON'T wear a mask if you TRULY trust the science.

SCIENCE tells us that we have immune systems for a reason.

SCIENCE tells us that hundreds of thousands of people die worldwide, EVERY YEAR.

SCIENCE tells us a lot of things, honestly. Science can be misconceived and misconstrued, but it is facts, logic, and experiment-based. Science is always changing. When previously accepted "facts" are disproven, science accepts the new change with evidence.

SCIENTISTS tell us a lot of things, too. Scientists will tell you what people funding them want you to hear. Scientists will hold to their opinion, long after their facts are disproven. Scientists want YOU to BE their experiment!

Be free. Breathe free. Be safe. Be smart.